“Taylor Swift expresses her excitement about the prospect of marriage and starting a family with Travis Kelce. Having never been married or had children before, she eagerly anticipates building a life with him, confident that he is the right man for her.”,,“I don’t know if I want to get into all of it,” began the football tight end. While he had previously discussed his first failed attempt at meeting Taylor during her Eras Tour show in July in an episode of his podcast New Heights with Jason and Travis Kelce, he divulged some new details.

“There were definitely people she knew that knew who I was, in her corner [who said]: Yo! Did you know he was coming? I had somebody playing Cupid,” he said, adding that he found that out when Taylor contacted him directly.She told me exactly what was going on and how I got lucky enough to get her to reach out.”

He also revealed that a few members of the Swift clan assisted him in getting the singer’s attention. “She’ll probably hate me for saying this, but…when she came to Arrowhead, they gave her the big locker room as a dressing room, and her little cousins were taking pictures…in front of my locker.”Then came the most important piece of information, their first meeting: “When I met her in New York, we had already kind of been talking, so I knew we could have a nice dinner and, like, a conversation, and what goes from there will go from there,” he said.

Additionally, in an interview with journalist J.R. Moehringer, Travis opened up about his brother Jason and his mom Donna’s feelings on his budding romance, explaining that he’s “never dated anyone with that kind of aura about them.”Talking about Taylor’s popularity among the media and them constantly following her every move, he said, “I’ve never dealt with it.”

“But at the same time, I’m not running away from any of it…. The scrutiny she gets, how much she has a magnifying glass on her, every single day, paparazzi outside her house, outside every restaurant she goes to, after every flight she gets off, and she’s just living, enjoying life. When she acts like thatbetter not be the one acting all strange.,,.Calling the ‘You Belong With Me,’ singer “hilarious” and “a genius” he added that she and him share the same family and work values.

Everybody knows I’m a family guy,” he said. “Her team is her family. Her family does a lot of stuff in terms of the tour, the marketing, being around, so I think she has a lot of those values as well, which is right up my alley.”WSJ. Magazine’s December/January issue containing Travis’s full interview will be available on the newsstands on December 9.