THE SNAKE GOD ALSO HAS TIME……“It’s not really voluntary”: Taylor Swift Compared Herself to a “Raccoon in a Dumpster” For Her Bizarre Eating Habit
Who would have thought that eating was Taylor Swift’s remedy for when she can’t sleep?
Returning to The Ellen Show in 2019, Taylor Swift made some of the most bizarre revelations about her life.
Taylor Swift made an anticipated return to The Ellen Show in 2019, where she commented on literally everything. From chatting about her kitten Benjamin to her eating habits, the singer made some of the most bizarre revelations about her life. But among all, what stood out the most was her conversation about sleep eating.
Taylor Swift in the music video for Bejeweled
While it might sound a bit bizarre, even celebrities can sometimes exhibit odd or eccentric behavior. Similarly, Taylor Swift admitted her compulsion to eat in the middle of the night, and shocked fans, as she admitted that it wasn’t a voluntary habit. According to the singer, she often does that while sleeping, and can barely remember it the next day.
Taylor Swift’s Bombshell Revelations on The Ellen Show
After her first appearance on The Ellen Show in 2008, Taylor Swift returned for another round of chatting with Ellen DeGeneres in 2019. Having a conversation about her achievements of the year, Swift began tuning into the talk show, where she later participated in a few game segments. During one such renowned segment called “Burning Questions”, the singer spoke about her life in detail.
Sharing lesser-known information about herself on the talk show, Taylor Swift began by speaking about her kitten Benjamin. Further, she revealed whether or not she washes her legs. But among all the questions thrown at her and the responses she offered, what stood out among fans was her comment about her odd eating habit. Making a bombshell confession about exhibiting eccentric behavior, Swift spoke candidly about her sleep eating.
Taylor Swift in the music video of End Game
As Ellen DeGeneres asked her “if you can’t sleep in the middle of the night, what do you do?”, Taylor Swift took the opportunity to disclose her extremely bizarre habit. Claiming to use the remedy of eating, when she can’t sleep, Swift raised some eyebrows with her response. Although much like commoners, even celebrities do weird things, Swift’s confession was a little too much as she noted that it’s often involuntary.
Taylor Swift Compared Her Eating Habits to a Raccoon
Speaking about her habit on The Ellen Show during her 2019 appearance, Taylor Swift mentioned rummaging through the kitchen at night, looking for food, when she can’t sleep. While it takes courage to expose such a habit on live television, Swift openly admitted her sleep-eating habit and even mentioned how she can barely remember it the next morning.
“I go downstairs and rummage through the kitchen and eat whatever I can find and it’s really less like a human being and more like a raccoon in a dumpster.”
Comparing her snacking habits to a “raccoon in a dumpster” on the talk show, Taylor Swift admitted that it’s not voluntary. Claiming how she never remembers having done it, the singer stated, “it’s not really voluntary”. But certainly, after Swift opened out about her compulsion to eat in the middle of the night, her quirky eating habit resonated with a few fans.
Swift’s 2019 appearance on The Ellen Show
Showcasing her relatable and playful personality on The Ellen Show, Taylor Swift admitted enjoying scavenger hunts in the kitchen at odd hours. Muttering “f*ck” under her breath, after revealing one of her probably deepest secrets on live television, Swift made her fans relate with her, like never before.