
The year is 2024, and the entertainment industry is abuzz with discussions about the highly anticipated film, Deadpool 3. However, behind the scenes, a storm is brewing within the walls of Disney, the parent company of Marvel Studios. The clash of creative visions, combined with corporate agendas, has led to a series of dramatic events that threaten to overshadow the release of the film.

The Origins of Deadpool 3:


Deadpool 3, also known as Deadpool and Wolverine, has been a topic of speculation ever since Disney acquired 20th Century Fox, gaining the rights to the Deadpool franchise. Fans were eager to see how the irreverent and R-rated character would fit into Disney’s family-friendly image. However, the journey towards the production of the film has been far from smooth.

The Leadership Crisis at Disney:

One of the central issues plaguing the production of Deadpool 3 is the perceived lack of leadership at Disney, particularly under the tenure of CEO Bob Iger. Critics argue that Disney’s top executives have failed to provide clear direction, leading to creative conflicts and missed opportunities.

The Influence of Disney’s Agenda:

Another point of contention is Disney’s overarching agenda, which some perceive as encroaching on the creative freedom of filmmakers. The company’s focus on promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) has raised concerns among certain members of the creative team, who fear that it may overshadow the artistic integrity of their work.

The Role of Joy Behar:

At the center of the drama is Joy Behar, co-host of the daytime talk show, “The View,” which airs on Disney-owned ABC. Behar, known for her outspoken nature, has been vocal about her desire to feature the cast and crew of Deadpool 3 on her show as part of the film’s promotional campaign. However, her demands have sparked controversy and led to tensions behind the scenes.

Ryan Reynolds vs. Joy Behar:

The conflict between Behar and Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds has escalated in recent months. Reynolds, known for his wit and sarcasm, has refused to appear on “The View,” citing creative differences and a desire to maintain the integrity of the Deadpool brand. Behar, meanwhile, has accused Reynolds of undermining her show and jeopardizing her $10 million deal with Disney.

Legal Threats and Ultimatums:

Behar’s frustrations came to a head when she issued legal warnings to Reynolds and Disney executives, threatening to expose the behind-the-scenes drama if her demands were not met. She insisted on reinstating her payout and securing Reynolds’ participation on “The View,” or else she would go public with her grievances.

Corporate Damage Control:

In response to the escalating tensions, Disney’s top brass, including Bob Iger and Kevin Feige, have been forced into damage control mode. Emergency meetings have been held to address the situation, with executives scrambling to find a resolution that satisfies all parties involved.

The Future of Deadpool 3:

As the deadline for reshoots looms, the fate of Deadpool 3 hangs in the balance. Will Disney be able to navigate the complex web of egos and agendas to salvage the film’s release? Or will the behind-the-scenes drama overshadow the on-screen action, leaving fans disillusioned and disappointed?


The saga surrounding Deadpool 3 serves as a cautionary tale about the intersection of creativity and corporate interests in the entertainment industry. As fans eagerly await the film’s release, they can only hope that the conflicts behind the scenes will not detract from the enjoyment of the final product. Ultimately, only time will tell whether Deadpool 3 will be remembered as a triumph of storytelling or a cautionary tale of Hollywood hubris.