Ryan Reynolds has established himself as one of Hollywood’s leading men known for his comedic timing and witty one-liners. As the star of box office hits like Deadpool and The Proposal, Reynolds is beloved for bringing laughter and levity to audiences worldwide. However, what some may not realize is that beneath Reynolds’ comedic bravado lies a tremendous talent for drama. While comedy has been his bread and butter, a few select films have allowed Reynolds to showcase a more vulnerable, emotional side to his acting abilities. Two scenes in particular – one from 2009’s The Proposal and another from 2022’s The Adam Project – are prime examples of Reynolds delivering heartfelt, tear-jerking performances.

The Proposal tells the story of Margaret Tate (Sandra Bullock), a powerful book editor who faces deportation to Canada after overstaying her visa. To avoid this, she convinces her young assistant Andrew Paxton (Ryan Reynolds) to pretend they are engaged so she can apply for a green card. However, complications arise when Andrew’s grandmother pays them a surprise visit and Margaret’s boss threatens to fire her if she doesn’t close a big deal. In the climactic scene, Margaret realizes she has genuine feelings for Andrew and tries to leave Alaska to spare him the trouble. Andrew catches up to her at the airport and delivers an impassioned speech begging her to stay that brings audiences to tears:

“Look, I know that we started this thing under false pretenses. But somewhere along the way, it changed for me. And I was too scared to say anything because what we had, it was working. And I didn’t want to ruin it. And I thought you didn’t feel the same way about me, but I just gotta know. How do you feel about me?”

Reynolds delivers the lines with such raw vulnerability and emotion. His eyes well up with tears as he pleads with Bullock’s character, putting his heart fully on the line. It’s a dramatic 180 from the sarcastic, cocky persona Reynolds often portrays in his comedies. The scene requires Reynolds to strip away any traces of humor and lay himself bare emotionally. And he nails it, hitting all the right emotional beats to make the confession feel truly heartfelt. Bullock’s character is also moved to tears, realizing Andrew feels just as strongly for her as she does for him. It’s a beautiful, cathartic moment for the characters and the audience.

Another film that showcased Ryan Reynolds in a dramatic light was 2022’s The Adam Project. In the sci-fi time travel film, Reynolds plays Adam, a time-traveling pilot who teams up with his younger self (Walker Scobell) and his late father Louis (Mark Ruffalo) to complete an important mission. During one scene, Adam has an emotional conversation with Louis’ hologram where he expresses deep regret over not spending more time with his father before he passed away. Reynolds delivers a gut-wrenching monologue:

“I’m sorry I wasn’t around more when you were sick, Dad. I was so wrapped up in my own stuff, I didn’t see what you were going through. And now it’s too late. I’ll never get to make things right with you. I’ll never get to tell you that you were the best dad I could have asked for. You were my hero.”

Reynolds’ delivery is raw and unfiltered. His voice cracks with emotion as he apologizes to his father. In that moment, audiences see a vulnerable, regretful side of Adam that has been holding onto this pain for years. Reynolds allows the character’s grief and sadness to wash over him fully. It’s a far cry from the cocky, self-assured characters he often plays. The scene requires Reynolds to tap into deep personal emotions to sell the anguish of losing a parent too soon. And through his powerful performance, he brings audiences to tears while also providing closure for his character.

What makes these dramatic scenes from Reynolds especially impactful is that audiences are so used to seeing him in comedic roles. We’ve come to expect the quick wit and charm, so seeing him break down those walls and go to such emotionally raw places is quite jarring in the best way possible. It reminds us that beneath the bravado lies tremendous acting chops that can handle any genre. Reynolds commits fully to the drama and sadness of these moments, never once winking at the camera or undercutting the emotion with a joke. He trusts the material and his abilities to resonate purely on an emotional level.

Of course, comedy will likely always be Reynolds’ bread and butter. But films like The Proposal and The Adam Project prove he is no one-trick pony either. Reynolds has shown he can handle any role with nuance and skill, whether that means eliciting laughs or bringing audiences to tears. While his comedic roles have certainly brought him the most fame and success, these dramatic scenes prove he is a truly versatile actor capable of tackling any genre with passion and commitment. Reynolds has established himself as a modern movie star through his comedic roles, but performances like these are a reminder of his hidden dramatic talents waiting to be further explored. With his charisma and dedication to his craft, Reynolds has the potential to continue surprising audiences for years to come no matter the genre.