Explore the colorful world of wands in the Harry Potter series

If you’re a die-hard Harry Potter fan, make sure you fully immerse yourself in the “wands” wielded by your favorite characters. Don’t miss the interesting secrets that this article will reveal!

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Summary of magic wand cores and unique types of wands in the magical world of Harry Potter

I. 14 types of wands

1. The secret behind Ginny Weasley’s wand

Discover the magical power of the wand that belonged to Ginny Weasley

The wand of Ginny Weasley – only daughter of the Weasley family and prominent member of Dumbledore’s Army . The length of the wand is about 14 inches , crafted by Mr. Ollivander from yew wood .

Similar to most witches in England, Ginny may have purchased her wand when she was just 11 years old, in preparation for starting Hogwarts in 1992. Her powers in performing magic, e.g. like casting an Eight Trigrams Sword and a Guardian Angel, is unlimited.

Ginny used this wand in many important battles, including the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, the clashes at the Astronomy Tower, and the Battle of Hogwarts.

2. Ron Weasley’s wand

Ron Weasley’s wand

Ronald Weasley ‘s first wand belonged to Charlie Weasley and was broken by Whomping Willow in 1992. Ron’s second wand was purchased in 1993.

14 inches long , crafted from willow wood and part unicorn hair crafted by Garrick Ollivander . Ron’s second wand seems to reflect his personality, participating in many life-or-death battles such as the battle in the mysterious oracle, the clash in the Astronomy Tower, and facing countless other wizards.

3. Rubeus Hagrid’s Wand

Rubeus Hagrid’s Wand

Rubeus Hagrid ‘s wand is 16 inches long and made from oak . This wand, made by Garrick Ollivander himself , has a special curved shape.

Dumbledore completely repaired Hagrid’s wand. However, because Hagrid does not have enough skill to perform complex spells, he often just uses an umbrella to hide his wand. This may be something new Harry Potter fans can appreciate.

4. Lucius Malfoy Wand

Lucius Malfoy wand

Lucius Malfoy passed on the wand to the head of the family. What’s special is that the wand is hidden inside a snake-shaped walking stick, a family heirloom symbol of the Malfoy family.

The wand is 18 inches long , chosen from elm wood and has a dragon heart fiber core . This is one of the most powerful wands in the Harry Potter world. Even on missions after Lord Voldemort’s reappearance, Lucius kept his wand hidden in his cane.

He carried it during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries and used it to confront members of the Order of the Phoenix. The wand’s incredible power caused Lucius to lose possession of it multiple times.

5. Hermione Granger wand

Hermione Granger’s wand

Hermione possesses a wand made from vine wood with a dragon heartstring core, measuring nearly 10 3/4 inches long . Before entering Hogwarts, she shone with her intelligence and intelligence, overcoming discrimination against Muggles to become one of the best witches in the school. Not only is she good at magic, Hermione is also the person who has repeatedly helped Harry and Ron overcome difficult challenges.

6. Bellatrix Lestrange’s Wand

Bellatrix Lestrange’s wand

Bellatrix uses a wand with a dragonheart fiber core and is crafted from walnut wood with a length of nearly 12 3/4 inches . This is an extremely evil wizard, a loyal and devoted follower of the Dark Lord Voldemort.

Thanks to the wand’s power, Bellatrix mastered the Torturing Curse, causing pain to many people. She is one of the dark witches that Voldemort especially uses, performing many important tasks for him.

7. Minerva McGonagall’s wand

Minerva McGonagall’s wand

Professor McGonagall owns a wand made from fir wood , combined with a dragon tendon core that is 9 1/2 inches long . This wand not only reflects her strength but also her delicate, elegant personality. Has helped her become an excellent expert at Transfiguration, one of the hardest and most complex fields of magic.

8. Severus Snape’s wand

Severus Snape’s wand

This wand has been owned by Severus Snape since he was 11 years old. Whatever your opinion about him, there’s no denying he’s a powerful wizard.

He was a “Double Agent” who worked for Dumbledore in times when there was no Voldemort or Death Eaters. He is also a Potions Master and one of the few people who is proficient in using Legilimency. Severus’s wand had been a loyal companion, supporting him to the end. Combining intelligence and sharp skills, he became a wizard that no one could keep up with.

9. Voldemort’s Wand

Voldemort’s Wand

Voldemort’s wand uses a core made from Phoenix tail feathers , forming a “Twin” pair of wands with Harry Potter’s wand. During his fight against Voldemort, the Elder Wand replaced him, but before that, his wand was a truly brutal tool. With these hands, he creates Horcruxes, containing pieces of his soul from those he has killed or tortured.

His wand is made from yew wood , the core is Dumbledore’s Fawkes Phoenix feather, and is 13 inches long . Despite being defeated by Harry Potter’s wand, this is still an extremely powerful wand. This type of wood is favored by Dark wizards and powerful people, never choosing a common wizard.

10. Harry Potter’s wand

Harry Potter’s wand

Harry Potter’s wand and the Dark Lord’s wand are twins , using Fawkes’ Phoenix feathers at their core . However, Harry’s wand has always shown more strength and has never failed him throughout his years at Hogwarts.

In particular, Harry’s wand is capable of defeating Voldemort’s wand in part 4 (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire), when their wands are linked together. This is largely due to Harry’s special abilities, which stem from his love and difference from Voldemort.

11. Gellert Grindelwald’s Wand

Gellert Grindelwald’s wand

Grindelwald used the wand during his time at Durmstrang Academy. Although we don’t know what the wand is made of, it certainly has extraordinary power. Grindelwald and Dumbledore were best friends and became excellent wizards. Grindelwald was a master of the Dark Arts before Voldemort’s time, and his wand certainly contained incredible power. Although he possessed the legendary Elder Wand, he was later defeated by Dumbledore and lost the wand.

12. Albus Dumbledore’s Wand

Albus Dumbledore’s wand

Dumbledore’s wand is one of the mystical wands, possessing boundless power that no one can measure. Dumbledore’s power sparked fear in Voldemort’s heart, clearly demonstrating his terrible power. The length, size and core of this wand are still a secret and have not been revealed in any books.

Many people believe that his chopsticks’ ebony core reflects his personality. It is known that he has owned this wand since he was 11 years old in 1892, and it is likely that this is a product of Gerbold Ollivander.

13. Elder Elder’s Wand

The Elder Wand

This is the most powerful wand in the wizarding world. Of the three death items (the Invisibility Cloak, the Resurrection Stone, and the Elder Wand), the Elder Wand is considered one of the easiest to trace, transferring from hand to hand. Even Voldemort wished to possess it. Although it was the wand that Voldemort sought to become the most powerful, it ultimately failed at the hands of Harry Potter. Perhaps the name Com Ngooi comes from its special ingredient, which is cold rice created by the God of Death .

14. Sirius Black’s Wand

Sirius Black’s wand

Sirius Black’s wand is made from ebony , suitable for wizards who are brave and skilled in combat and transformation. This is a personalized chopstick, expressing the owner’s comfortable and highly individual characteristics. With this wand, Sirius proved extremely confident and successful in all subjects at Hogwarts, especially complex surgery.

II. 8 types of cores create the power of magic wands

The core is the heart of the wand

1. Dragon Heart Thread

A wand with a core made from this material is truly full of strength and authority . This core’s magical effects are dazzling, and the speed support helps learn spells quickly. In particular, they excel in Transfiguration , one of the most difficult magics. Dragon heartstring wands, easily transmutable for use in the Dark Arts, are the most powerful cores. Famous owners include Hermione Granger, Bellatrix Lestrange, Peter Pettigrew, Minerva McGonagall, Lucius Malfoy, Horace Slughorn, Gilderoy Lockhart, Viktor Krum, Garrick Ollivander, and Dolores Umbridge.

2. Phoenix Feather

Phoenix feathers, the material used to make chopstick cores, are Mr. Olivander’s favorite and are also the rarest type of chopsticks . These wands are among the most powerful , with a very wide range of magic. This is a useful tool in Defense Against the Dark Arts and the Dark Arts itself. Harry Potter, Lord Voldemort, Silvanus Kettleburn, and Celestina Warbeck are all powerful witches who possess this wand core.

3. Unicorn Feathers

Wands with unicorn hair are difficult to transform for Dark Arts purposes; Ron Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Remus Lupin, Cedric Diggory, and Sybill Trelawney possess wands with this core. Quirinus Quirell and Draco Malfoy also use wands with unicorn feathers.

4. Whale Feathers

The Phantom Tail Feather is the core material that can be considered the most powerful in the world , the core of the invincible wand in the 3 Deathly Hallows: The Elder Wand. The person who wants to own that wand must appropriate it from the previous owner to become the true owner. This material is very dangerous and only those who have witnessed death can see the Vong Ma.

The core makes a wand

5. Horn powder of the Horned Snake

Horned Snake, one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. Mrs. Isolt Sayre, founder of the Ilvermorny Academy of Magic, once scraped some powder from its horn to make the core of the first wand in the Americas. Horned Snakes are said to have the ability to control the weather, hypnotize, become invisible and even change shape.

6. Basilisk’s horn

Salazar Slytherin, founder of Hogwarts Academy, owned a wand made from Snakewood and Basilica horn as the core. The power of the Basilisk cannot be denied, and this wand certainly matches the status of the most powerful magicians of his time. This wand was passed down through generations until Mrs. Isolt Sayre brought it back to North America and buried it on the grounds of Ilvermorny Academy.

7. Thunderbird’s tail feathers

Wands with cores of Thunderbird tail feathers are described as very powerful, difficult to control but very useful when using Transfiguration spells. In addition, due to Thunder Bird’s sensitivity to supernatural dangers, these wands have the ability to automatically counter curses when they feel threatened.

8. Unicorn tail feathers

The Unicorn is a symbol of purity and innocence , but inside is a source of boundless strength . Wands with Unicorn tail feather cores have good magical properties, are stable, less susceptible to fluctuations, loyal and difficult to turn to the dark side.

Although collecting Unicorn tail feathers is quite difficult, Mr. Ollivander seems to use this material the most as chopstick cores. However, wands with Unicorn tail feather cores do not have great power if not combined with wood with strong magical properties. The wand core is also very easy to “lose its soul” if there are mistakes during the process of creating or using magic.

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Above are the wands and cores that make up common parts of Harry Potter. Hopefully this article has helped you better understand wands. You can buy magic wands and collect them.