Liv Morgan emerged victorious on WWE RAW

Liv Morgan emerged victorious on WWE RAW

On the latest episode of WWE Monday Night RAW, Liv Morgan battled Zoey Stark in an Elimination Chamber qualifying match.

After the bell rang, the former SmackDown Women’s Champion quickly went for a roll-up, but her opponent kicked out. She then hit Stark with a few strikes in the corner. Zoey sent Morgan face-first into the top turnbuckle. Liv turned the tide and hit her opponent in the corner with a series of kicks.

Zoey Stark took out Liv Morgan with a big clothesline, and the latter nailed her with a hurricanrana. She then hit Stark with a kick to the face while she was on the apron, causing her to fall to the floor. Liv tried to go for a suicide dive but ran into a punch. Zoey hit the former champion with a fireman’s carry slam on the apron.

Liv Morgan hit a Codebreaker off the ropes and got a two-count. Stark slammed Morgan on the mat with a powerbomb for a nearfall. She then hit the latter with a missile dropkick.

Later on, Liv went for Oblivion but ate a superkick. She then hit Starks with a 201 facebreaker, followed by her Oblivion finishing move to win the match.

Who do you think will win the Women’s Elimination Chamber match? Sound off in the comments below!