Matt Fiddes and Michael Jackson

Matt Fiddes and Michael Jackson

For a decade, Matt Fiddes had a ringside seat to watch Michael Jackson’s financial decline and fall. Fiddes was a bodyguard and close friend of Jackson, right up to the time of the star’s death in 2009. At that point, reports said that the King of Pop was $500 million in debt. His spiraling money problems were caused by legal cases and lavish spending on his Neverland Valley Ranch in California and elsewhere. Since then, the Michael Jackson estate’s has bounced back, to show total earnings of $4 billion when adjusted for inflation, before and after the singer’s death aged 50.

Fiddes is now 38 and runs the MF international martial arts brand, which operates hundreds of franchised fitness schools that he values at $45 million.

In an interview, Fiddes talks about his personal access: Michael Jackson was “a normal guy” who cultivated the eccentric image to keep himself interesting and sell records, his former bodyguard claims.

From the interview, it is also possible to draw out some business lessons from Jackson’s experience. Jackson’s music was bought by millions, though some of the plans simply went wrong:

Chose the right people – for the right price.

Fiddes was introduced to Jackson in 1998 by illusionist Uri Geller. “Uri knew that I had a successful business, while Michael’s finances had taken a decline,” Fiddes says. “It became quite apparent early on that there were some money difficulties. Uri wanted to make sure that his best friend was looked after. Michael was complaining that security companies were charging him anything up to $200,000 a month. I was already self-made so there was nothing I wanted from him. I had the adjoining room to his and the other bodyguards were standing outside the room.” While Jackson kept some costs such as these under control, he had huge overheads for his other entourage, for example famously spending as much as $6 million in a single store on a shopping expedition.

Uri Geller with Michael Jackson . (AP Photo/Alastair Grant)

Uri Geller with Michael Jackson . (AP Photo/Alastair Grant)

Everyone needs friends.

Fiddes was just 20 when he started working with Jackson. He found himself mixing with Mohammed al Fayed, who then owned Harrods; as well as entertainers Geller, Britney Spears, David Blaine and Whitney Houston.

“Still, Michael was the most misunderstood man in the world and the loneliest sometimes,” Fiddes says. “He was an introvert, only happy when he was performing, or when he was with his children. Everybody needs friends to advise them.”

Learn from others.

Fiddes says: “I’d see Michael reading four or five books a week – nonfiction books, and he would study all the motivational speakers. I wish sometimes that he had put that side of himself out to the public. Stevie Wonder said that Michael would drive him crazy when he was young, asking so many questions, but he would say ‘Yes, but that’s how you have to learn.’”

Think big and take ruthless risks.

Jackson was first and foremost an artist, but he never forgot business, Fiddes says. “He was intelligent and clever man who was thrown in there at five years old. He was ruthless and he had the business side from his father.” Jackson was prepared to make bold moves – the sponsorship deal with Pepsi , the purchase of the Beatles’ catalog – though towards the end of his life, deals were unraveling and some of the bigger risks turned bad.

Keep raising the bar.

“The only competition Michael had was himself, and that’s why things came to a bad end,” says Fiddes. “He set high goals – very good for business. But he had to try to beat the biggest album of all time, which was his own Thriller. Unfortunately, things changed when the Internet came along and Michael didn’t really embrace it so when his last album came out, Invincible in 2001, he sold just six million copies of it and I saw him so upset.”

Keep feeding the publicity junkies.

For all the genius of Jackson’s music, he was desperate for publicity and this led to some misguided choices, Fiddes notes, based on his insider tour experience: “We would get to a city and he would have a meeting and say ‘how do we make the papers tomorrow? Does anyone have any ideas? How can I keep this mystery going? I want my life to be to be the greatest show on earth.’ The sticky tape on his nose and face mask and the hat, he was behind every story. Michael’s newspapers would get delivered to him every day in hotel suites. Sometimes they would give him a battering and I would remove those stories. He pulled me aside one day: ‘This paper goes from pages 9 to 16. I am not silly, Matt, can you show the missing pages to me please?’ And I would say, ‘Sorry, Michael. I threw them away.’ So I had to go and get him another copy. He used to say ‘you’ve got to be interesting for people to be interested in you.’

“Behind it all, he was just a normal guy, really, and he would actually make an effort to ‘become Michael Jackson.’ He would dress up and put the makeup on, it was just an act. It backfired on him a few times clearly. People thought he was weird and strange. Maybe he took it too far, but he wanted to be on the front cover of the National Inquirer because his best friend Elizabeth Taylor was there. He went to a burns center one day and saw an oxygen chamber. He jumped in there quickly for pictures then suggested he slept in an oxygen chamber every night. The story went worldwide, like all that about the monkey business with Bubbles the chimp.”

Plan the ultimate comeback.

As an escape from his financial problems, Jackson agreed to a series of 10 concerts at London’s O2 arena which should have raised approximately £50 million.

Fiddes was with Jackson at London’s Lanesborough Hotel as he prepared to announce the shows. He recalls the star was intoxicated after drinking whisky and was very unhappy about the demands of the concerts.

“The 10 shows sold out in minutes and the number was upped to 50,” Fiddes says. “He was devastated – it was pretty much the end of it then. He was worried he was going to be shot onstage and wanted a bulletproof vest. He couldn’t do one show. Even that documentary they made about him – Michael Jackson’s This Is It from 2009 – is pretty much footage pieced together. He doesn’t really get though one song. If you have a look at it he changes costumes about ten times in one song.”

There is a commercial life after death.

Jackson’s earnings were $75 million before tax in 2017, landing him the No. 1 spot on the Forbes list of highest-paid dead celebrities. Jackson’s earnings were even more in 2016 at $825 million — the highest annual total for any entertainer dead or alive, mostly from the sale of his half of the Sony /ATV catalog including the Beatles’ songs.

Matt Fiddes

Matt Fiddes

“He is more popular than ever,” Fiddes notes. “I go around schools and kids’ assembles. I talk about fitness, training and bullying. But when it comes to question time with even 6-year-olds, all they want to ask you about is Michael Jackson. It shocks me. All the allegations around him have just fallen away. Michael would have loved to have seen the response these kids have how. They try to imitate him. He’s got shows on Broadway and the West End. It was so hard to get a show nobody wanted to know but when he died – boom – everything changed.”

Fiddes is writing a memoir with help from Simon Cowell’s brother Tony, to be released before the 10th anniversary of Jackson’s death.

“We are going to chuck out all the myths, all the rubbish about this guy, about his nose falling off, all this crazy stuff, Instead it will be what he was really like behind closed doors and show people you don’t become the biggest superstar in the world by accident. Even if you are a great singer and dancer you need to have a business brain behind you to build an empire.”