eezy is reportedly seeking primary custody of his and Jeannie Mai’s 2-year-old daughter months after the rapper filed for divorce.

The rapper filed for custody of his and Mai’s daughter Monaco. According to Jeezy, Monaco wants to live with him full-time due to her mother’s very busy work schedule.

The rapper also claims that he offered to move into the basement of their shared home but that Mai moved out with their daughter. At the time, Mai said she moved out because the rapper kept firearms in their home.

“It is essential to clarify that Ms. Jenkins’ insistence on reasonable safety measures being put in place, such as safely securing and locking away all firearms that have been unsecured in the past, as well as having familiarity and properly trained caregivers is absolutely not gatekeeping, but rather a responsible effort to prioritize their daughter’s well-being,” her attorneys wrote at the time.