Country star Carrie Underwood opened up about what disappointed her most when she would attend her favorite singers’ concerts as a child.
“I love to sing, and I’ve always taken pride in the work I’ve put in on my vocals. I do want to sound good,” she told Rolling Stone. “
Growing up and going to concerts or seeing my favorite artists on TV, if they didn’t sound like they were supposed to sound, it was always so deflating.
“I’d lose respect for them. Or when I’d go to a concert and hear them drop keys, I was like, ‘You can’t hit the notes! Why’d you record them if you can’t sing them?’ That stuff is important to me.”
The “American Idol” alum discussed one of her favorite musical artists and his influence on her.
“I’ve been covering Guns N’ Roses my whole life, pretty much, and definitely onstage for the past 15 years at least,” Underwood revealed, telling the outlet she tried multiple times to get the band’s legendary lead vocalist, Axl Rose, to join her onstage.

Carrie Underwood opened up about her disappointment of artists in concert not sounding like they do in recordings. (AP)
“We had a couple almost maybes, where it almost maybe would have happened but for various reasons it wasn’t the right time,” Underwood said. “But [for Stagecoach] I asked. I sent him an email and said, ‘We’re so close to you,’ and explained the why and what he meant to me.”

Carrie Underwood discussed how Axl Rose is one of her biggest musical influences. (Marc Grimwade/WireImage)
Not only is Underwood a fan of Rose’s, but he is also one of her biggest influences when it comes to her admiration for those artists who can sing live in concert and sound like they do in recordings.

Carrie Underwood won season 4 of “American Idol.” (AP)
“The way I learned how to sing was I would pick really hard vocalists to try to emulate, and his voice always mesmerized me,” Underwood said. “I was like, ‘How is he doing the things that he’s doing?'” So I told him all that … and he came!”