Despite being one of the most powerful characters in One Piece, Roronoa Zoro has had to seek help from his friends.

Zoro relies on his allies to overcome tough opponents like Morgan and Pica in One Piece.
Luffy’s support is crucial in saving Zoro from execution and aiding in battles against formidable foes.
Sanji helps Zoro recover and defeat King, showcasing the importance of teamwork within the Straw Hat Pirates.
Roronoa Zoro is the swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates. From a young age, Zoro dreamed of becoming the strongest swordsman in the world. He knew that in order to realize this dream, he needed to fight against the top swordsmen in One Piece.
Despite her young age, Jewelry Bonney is among the most successful pirates in One Piece.
So far, Zoro’s skills have enabled him to get the better of most of his opponents. But even with his incredible talent, Zoro has struggled against some adversaries. In these situations, Zoro had to rely on the help of his allies.
Needed Luffy’s Support

Morgan was a sadistic and arrogant individual who was in charge of the Marine base in Shells Town. He was a narcissist who wanted everybody to know how great he was. Normally, a person like him would have been kicked out, but he had instilled fear into the hearts of the islanders and the Marines.
Originally, Zoro was not going to fight Morgan, but he had no other choice after learning the truth. Zoro had to rely on Luffy’s help, who not only retrieved his swords but also stopped all the bullets. Without Luffy’s support, Zoro would have remained a prisoner and been ultimately executed by Helmeppo and Morgan.
Was Helped By Luffy And Sanji

Before the Straw Hats could enter the New World, they needed to make a stop on Fish-Man Island, which was located thousands of meters below the sea. As the crew drew nearer to the island, they encountered Surume, a massive octopus. The sheer size of the monster was enough to scare the life out of a person.
Sanji is one of the strongest characters in One Piece, but even he requires help from time to time.
Surume’s tentacles could easily swat a ship, so the Straw Hats had to be extremely careful. Due to the monster’s aggressive behavior, the Monster Trio had no choice but to attack it. Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji attacked the beast, which stopped its rampage and made it friendlier.
Would Not Have Reached Pica Without Orlumbus

Pica was a secondary villain in the Dressrosa arc. Pica was one of Doflamingo’s closest aides, and he was willing to go to great lengths to ensure that his captain would get what he wanted. Pica ate the Ishi Ishi no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allowed him to merge with stone and take control of it.
In the Dressrosa arc, Pica used this power to assimilate with the stone on the island, turning into a gigantic statue. In this form, Pica became taller than giants. He could easily destroy his surroundings with a swing of his arm. With Luffy busy elsewhere, the responsibility to take down Pica fell on Zoro’s shoulders. However, he could not cut Pica’s massive body on his own. He required help from Orlumbus, who launched the swordsman towards Pica with great force. This allowed Zoro to get close enough to Pica to cut his body.
3.Gecko Moria and Oars
Had To Rely On Luffy

There have been very few instances where the Straw Hat Pirates have had to collectively fight a single opponent. One of their most challenging experiences came in the Thriller Bark arc, where they fought against Gecko Moria, who took control over the body of Oars, an ancient giant. The Straw Hats, minus Luffy, were at a significant disadvantage because Moria was using Luffy’s shadow to control Oars.
These One Piece characters left behind a solid legacy, making them nothing less than legends.
They cooperated to land several blows to weaken Oars, but it wasn’t enough to take out the giant completely. Luckily for them, their captain returned with a new power, called Nightmare Luffy, and stopped Moria and Oars from harming his friends. Luffy pumelled Oars, which caused Moria to be thrown out. Ultimately, Luffy took down Moria in what turned out to be an intense fight.
Had To Be Rescued By His Captain

Kaido was the captain of the Beasts Pirates and one of the Yonko. He was the primary antagonist of the Wano Country arc. Fans were waiting for years to see the heroes go up against the Strongest Creature in the World. Unlike other arcs where Luffy fights the main villain alone, he had support at the beginning of this duel.
Zoro tried to hurt Kaido with his attacks, but it was to no avail. Before being thrashed, Zoro used one last move, which was infused with Conqueror’s Haki. This time, Zoro scarred Kaido, but it didn’t trouble the Yonko. Ultimately, Luffy had to take over and fight Kaido by himself.
Sanji Had To Save Him From Certain Death

King was the right-hand man of Kaido. He was a Lunarian who had consumed Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pteranodon. The Devil Fruit allowed King to transform into a prehistoric creature and fly at incredible speeds. It also increased his other physical abilities, giving him a massive edge in battle.
When Zoro was taken down from the roof, it was Sanji who carried him everywhere. He prevented any harm from coming to Zoro since the latter was unable to defend himself. Sanji bought Zoro enough time to consume a miracle drug that temporarily restored his vigor. After eating the medicine, Zoro regained his strength and went to fight King. The duel was intense, and in the end, it was the Straw Hat Pirate who came out on top. Following his victory, Zoro needed Franky’s help to stay on Onigashima.