© Manga Mag – The true nature behind the demonic form of the Five Elders of Gorosei!
While the final saga of One Piece is in full swing, a new chapter brings its share of astonishing revelations about the key characters of the Egghead Island arc: the Five Elders. Known to be among the most mysterious and powerful players in the world of One Piece, these imposing figures have just revealed secrets that risk shaking up the entire universe.
The Five Elders and their key role in the final saga
The Five Elders , also known as Gorosei, are crucial characters in the final saga of One Piece. They are considered to hold the greatest authority over the world at large, although they are secretly subordinate to the government’s shadow ruler, Imu, who occupies the Empty Throne.
The Five Elders played an incredible role in the story, and they are the main antagonists of the Egghead Island arc. The Five Elders are going to be incredibly active from here on out , and it’s only natural that Oda would focus even more on them. Fans have been speculating for a while now whether the Five Elders are Devil Fruit users or if they are actual demons.
The True Nature of the Five Elders Revealed
Several facts prove that they are real demons. Firstly, all of them are based on demons from Asian and European mythology and we have never seen another Devil Fruit based on a demon either in the manga. The second is that all five arrived using pentagrams, which is something we’ve never seen before. One Piece Chapter 1110 also confirms that they are not Devil Fruit users.
In chapter 1110, Oda revealed the power of the Five Elders. It was this particular scene that confirmed to fans that the Five Elders were not Devil Fruit users. The Five Elders all managed to reunite on Egghead Island, thanks to Saint Saturn. He used the power of the summoning circles to summon the remaining Elders to Egghead Island. As he did this, in a majestic expanse, fans saw all of their Yokai forms at once.
Oda then revealed which member of the Five Elders held which ability. Saint Saturn was revealed to have the power of Gyuki, Marcus Mars was revealed to have the power of Itsumade, Saint Warcury was shown to have the power of Fengxi, V. Nusjuro was revealed to have the power of Bakotsu, and finally, Jupiter was shown having the power of the Sandworm.
What was incredibly clear here was the fact that Oda didn’t reveal them to have Devil Fruit forms . Instead, Oda simply revealed their Yokai powers. They were referred to as their Yokai transformations, clearly implying that they are not Devil Fruit eaters. They are actually these beasts in their true forms, which makes things quite strange.