DANIEL CRAIG has shared his favourite James Bond moment is from Roger Moore’s Live and Let Die.
Sir Roger Moore looks back on his iconic career
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In just a couple of months No Time To Die is expected to finally hit cinemas, just a year off the James Bond film franchise’s 60th anniversary.
While Daniel Craig’s fifth and final outing as Ian Fleming’s spy also marks the 25th official 007 movie.
And now the 53-year-old has shared his favourite Bond movie moment of all time.
The star admitted that The Mummy, which starred his wife Rachel Weisz, was one of his favourites, plus the likes of Frozen, Goodfellas, Gladiator and The Avengers.
But during his list, the only mention of James Bond was from Sir Roger Moore’s 1973 debut, Live and Let Die.
He simply wrote: “Cheering as Roger Moore danced over alligators.”
Daniel Craig shares his favourite James Bond moment is from Roger Moore’s Live and Let Die (Image: GETTY)
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Bond fans will remember the scene where the one-armed Tee Hee leaves 007 to be eaten by what was apparently actually crocodiles at a farm in the Deep South.
However, Moore’s spy manages to escape by using the reptiles as stepping stones.
The scene was shot at Jamaica Safari Village at Ocho Rios after the crew, who had been searching for locations, came across the crocodile farm. Outside there was a sign warning that “Trespassers will be eaten.”
The owner, Ross Kananga, had suggested the stunt of Bond jumping across the crocodiles and was hired to perform it himself by the producers.
Roger Moore by the sign at Kananga’s crocodile farm (Image: GETTY)
James Bond being interrogated by Dr Kananga and Tee Hee in Live and Let Die (Image: GETTY)
The stunt took five takes, including one that saw the last crocodile tear Kananga’s trousers after snapping at his leg.
He sustained a number of injuries, including one that required 193 stitches, while being paid $60,000 for his part in the movie.
Of course, the farm owner also inspired the name of Live and Let Die’s villain Dr Kananga aka Mr Big, who was played by Yaphet Kotto.
The real Kananga returned to live in South Florida in 1976 before dying of cardiac arrest while spearfishing in the Everglades just two years later at the age of 32.
While shooting Live and Let Die, Moore kept a diary and later published his entries.
According to Birth.Movies.Death., The 007 Diaries, Filming Live and Let Die saw the late actor recount how Bond producer Harry Saltzman mistreated restaurant waiters and shouted the N-word on set at the props man, who had apparently had that “nickname” since cinema’s silent era.
However, Moore convinced Saltzman to call him something else, with the producer settling on “Chalky”.
The Bond star also claimed in his book that he had insider information on the assassination of JFK.
Moore said he had been invited to watch some film footage with FBI agents in the office of Jim Garrison, the District Attorney of New Orleans, who had investigated the assassination of JFK.
The James Bond movies (Image: EXPRESS)
The Bond star wrote that he couldn’t say what he saw but he concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald did not fire the shot that killed the president.
While he added that Garrison believed there was an accomplice who was part of a CIA conspiracy.
Following Live and Let Die, Moore went on to star in six other Bond movies, concluding with 1985’s A View To A Kill. The acting legend died in May 2017.