Home Alone fans still can’t get over Macaulay Culkin’s recreation of some of the movie’s most iconic scenes.

Featured Image Credit: Google/ 20th Century Fox
It may only be November, but with just over four weeks until the big day, what better to get you in the festive spirit – and spark the panic to get your Christmas shopping sorted – than a bit of Home Alone.
Although, it’s Home Alone not quite as you know it. Prepare yourself for a wave of nostalgia:
A Google commercial from 2018 has resurfaced on social media of Macaulay Culkin reprising his role of Kevin McCallister and recreating some of the 1990 movie’s most memorable scenes.
Culkin enters the house to find it empty, questioning: “Mom? Dad? Hey Google what’s on the calendar today?”
“You have one event called ‘House to Yourself’,” Google’s home assistant responds.
Similarly to when he was eight years old in the movie, Culkin’s older version of Kevin then goes about enjoying some me time.

Nothing says being home alone like getting round to giving yourself a well-needed shave. Although, unlike younger Kevin who squirted cream all over his cheeks to find it actually burnt his skin, older Kevin finds he’s run out of aftershave and asks Google to add it to his shopping list.
After a quick jump on the bed – another iconic moment from the 1990 release – Kevin tells Google to ‘remind [him] to clean these sheets later’.
Kevin snuggles down to watch Angels with Filthy Souls, similarly timing a line from a movie to communicate with a pizza boy – although, thankfully it doesn’t scare them as much.
He’s also busy eating ice cream and with a big mound of snacks on hand too, just like in the original film.

Kevin’s parents’ furnace even rears its head when he asks his home assistant to ‘turn the temperature down two degrees’.
And when the robbers pull up outside, the clock strikes and Kevin is poised about to tuck into his mac ‘n’ cheese, he tells his Google device to ‘begin Operation Kevin’, which sparks a series of DIY set ups to scare the robbers away.
With a cut-out on a moving toy train and a dressed up mop attached to a robot hoover, Kevin may be 30 years older but he’s still just as creative. The commercial resolves: “Make Google do it.”

The ad may’ve first been released in 2018, but it’s fast becoming a classic like the 1990 film it draws from.
X account Historic Vids retweeted the clip and people have flooded to the post in praise of the ad’s creativity.
Seeing one of their favorite Christmas actors – who’s about to be honoured with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame – back on screen again was the perfect Christmas treat.
One user said: “What a brilliant commercial. Brings back childhood memories of the original film.”
“I love the hopping on the bed and hurting his back. Hilariously accurate!” Another added.
A third commented: “He finally got a bite of the Mac n cheese.”
And a fourth resolved: “Grew up watching his movies every Christmas, always brings me good memories.”
So, let the festive film watching commence!