Remember ten years ago when Miley Cyrus appeared semi-naked and covered with a sheet in Vanity Fair? And the New York Post published an extremely dramatic response with the phrase “MILEY’S SHAME” written across their cover in all-caps?

Well first of all, LOL, because little did everyone know Miley would soon come in like a wrecking ball and twerk all over Robin Thicke. And second of all, she’s retracting her apology….ten years later.
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Miley spoke out about her change of heart during an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live. “”I think a lot of things have changed,” she explained.
“I think the conversation has changed a lot… something I really thought about was sure, some people thought I did something wrong in their eyes, but I think it was really wrong for someone to put that this is my shame and that I should be ashamed of myself.”
“It was everyone else’s poisonous thoughts and minds that ended up turning this into something it wasn’t meant to be,” she continued. “So I shouldn’t be ashamed, they should be.”
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“I took part in a photo shoot tht was supposed to be ‘artistic,’ and now, seeing the photographs and reading the story, I feel so embarrassed,” Miley said at the time.
“I never intended for any of this to happen and I apologize to my fans who I care so deeply about.”
Please note that Miley was 15 when this picture was taken, and according to a spokeswoman for photographer Annie Leibovitz (who snapped the pic for Vanity Fair), “parents and/or minders were on the set all day.” So what’s the big deal, right?