Even if you’re new to bodybuilding, you would have definitely heard of Arnold Schwarzenegger, the seven-time Mr. Olympia.

The Austrian Oak changed the whole image of the sport, setting new standards in competitions with his massive biceps.

Arnie dominated the stage with his 22-inch biceps. To attain this size, he used a specific exercise.

Even the eight-time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman tried doing the Austrian Oak’s exercise.

A resurfaced video of the King of Bodybuilding uploaded on the Instagram page “ur_bodybuilder” is taking the internet by storm.

In the video, Coleman performed the 21s bicep curl method. Let’s delve deep and find out how to perform this method.

The ultimate bicep workout: 21-bicep curl

In the video, the King of Bodybuilding did a set of 21-bicep curls with his partner.

Coleman focused on his form and hand movements throughout the set and did the soul-crushing and painful exercise.

One could see how Coleman didn’t even flinch during the gruesome set and maintained an accurate form.

Developed by the Austrian Oak, the 21s bicep method is a 21-rep set approach that gives one a good pump in their biceps.

To begin, you need to split your bicep curls into three phases, with seven reps in each phase.

Use the weight with which you’re comfortable instead of going heavy. This is an explosive exercise, and all the reps are done without a break.

For phase one, you need to focus on the bottom of the movement. Start doing the curl, and instead of doing the complete curl, stop when your elbows are at an angle of 90 degrees. For phase two, you’ll work on your top movement.

Starting from the top and stopping in the middle, do partial reps, not completely going down to the end. The last seven reps are your full range of motion, doing complete bicep curls.

This exercise targets your biceps, brachii, brachialis, and brachioradialis. Performing biceps 21s increases your time under tension, giving you key growth and maximizing your muscles.

It also enhances your grip strength. The most important point to consider while doing the exercise is maintaining your form.

Ronnie Coleman did the same in the video, using a comfortable weight so that he could maintain perfect grip and form throughout the set.

In the end, Coleman displayed the pump from the exercise, showcasing his completely bursting his veins. Looking at the workout, fans expressed their love for the exercise in the comments section.

Fans believe the exercise is one of the best for biceps

A fan highlighted the effectiveness of the exercise by the pain caused by it and commented, “I did it and that pains like hell.

Another expressed his passion for the 21s bicep and wrote, “True this is the best exercise forever.” One highlighted the pump you’ll feel after the exercise and said, “Do it last,smokes biceps.”

A fan even expressed his doubt about the rod to be used for the exercise and questioned, “Bend rod or straight?”

Another gave the exercise another name and said, “Bicep matrix set.” An admirer expressed how fond he was of the exercise and wrote, “This exercise is my favourite.”

While looking at Coleman engaging in the 21s bicep workout and after learning its benefits, will you also add it to your arms day roster? Let us know in the comments.