Flavor Flav got corrected quickly by Miley Cyrus when he accidentally called her Gwen Stefani … getting a swift slap to the face — but one all in good fun he says.

The Public Enemy rapper talked about the incident on a recent episode of “Just B with Bethenny Frankel” … where he revealed he ran into her several years ago when she and Gwen apparently had similar haircuts.

Flavor Flav Says Miley Cyrus Once Slapped Him for Gwen Stefani Mixup

Flav said he got super excited to meet Gwen and ran up to her … only to find himself accidentally speaking to Miley instead.

He says MC played it super cool, just going along with it during the convo as he lauded her for all of GS’ work … an embarrassing moment for FF when his friend later told her it was actually Miley.

Flavor Flav says he went right up to Miley to apologize, adding of course he knew her and her dad Billy Ray … which is when he got the smack right across his face.

Flavor Flav Says Miley Cyrus Jokingly Slapped Him For Calling Her Gwen Stefani

He says the moment didn’t create any animosity … instead, he and Miley laughed off the moment, and the two even met up backstage of the Grammy Awards this year.

But, Miley couldn’t resist giving Flav a little bit of guff over the past mistaken identity.

Flavor Flav Mistakes Miley Cyrus for Gwen Stefani [VIDEO]

Flavor Flav Says Miley Cyrus Smacked Him in the Face After He Mistook Her  for Gwen Stefani | Entertainment Tonight

A video went viral from their meetup which showed the two hugging it out while Miley joked he always used to call him Gwen … so, clearly this is still stuck in her mind.

Glad to see things are good between Flav and Miley … but, he may want to take his signature shades off to avoid future mix-ups.