The American actor, Keanu Reeves is a global fan favorite. He has captured the hearts of audiences worldwide with his memorable roles in the movies like The Matrix, and John Wick.

Reeves has gifted Hollywood with prominent roles. A huge army of fans is always there to support their beloved Matrix Star.

He was reportedly blacklisted by Fox Studios for over a decade. The Friends Star, Matthew Perry, in his recent memoir attacked Reeves but he himself got trolled instead.

Keanu ReevesActor, Keanu Reeves

Turning down movie roles can be a bit tricky for actors sometimes. Reeves experienced a similar thing in his early years.

Why was Keanu Reeves blacklisted by Fox for a Decade?

In an interview with The GQ, The John Wick Actor revealed that Fox Studios had blacklisted him for 10 years. He turned down his role in a sequel to the 1994 thriller Speed.

According to the sources, Sandra Bullock who played the female lead in the movie against Reeves agreed to revisit her character in the sequel.

But, The Constantine Star refused to do so. This is why Fox studios decided to blacklist him for a whole decade.
Keanu Reeves in SpeedKeanu Reeves in Speed
However, Reeves’ decision not to do the sequel was right. Speed 2 won the worst movie sequel Award at the Razzies.

Why did Matthew Perry apologize to Keanu Reeves?

In his recent memoir, Perry made a comment on Reeves saying, “Why is it that the original thinkers like River Phoenix and Heath Ledger die, but Keanu Reeves still walks among us?”.

 The fans attacked The Friends Actor for his comment on the fan-favorite Reeves. The outrage forced Perry to apologize. Perry talked about all his experiences in his memoir.

Matthew PerryActor, Matthew Perry
However, Perry is not the only one in the industry who feels about reeves that way.

The Matrix Actor made his comeback after the Blacklist

Fox Studios blacklisted Reeves for 10 years. However, Reeves made his comeback with the 2008 sci-fi film The Day The Earth Stood Still.

The movie was a 1951 Scott Derrickson remake that gave an interesting approach to the current environmental concerns. Reeves revealed in the interview, “I didn’t work with Fox again until ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’.”. 

Keanu Reeves in 'The Earth Stood Still'Keanu Reeves in ‘The Earth Stood Still’
All in all, it is clear that even the most loved actors have to go through a lot of struggle and hard days before they make it big in the Industry.

Every actor has their own story of success and so did Reeves.