One Piece’s 15 Most Disliked Characters ?

One Piece is known for having some endearing, lovable characters, but an anime with villains is bound to have some much-disliked characters, as well.

Split Images of Wapol, Saint Charlos, and Spandam

The hit manga/anime franchise One Piece boasts a truly vast cast of characters, who come in all shapes and sizes. Protagonist Monkey D. Luffy will meet an incredible variety of people during his high-seas adventures, from lovable rogues and ruffians to downright despicable criminals and bullies. Some villains redeemed themselves, such as Mr. 2 Bon Clay, and some are liked despite their villainy because they’re cool, such as Sir Crocodile or Kaido.

However, there are still plenty of One Piece characters who fans intensely dislike, and it’s clear that author Eiichiro Oda never meant for those characters to be sympathetic or likable to begin with. The most disliked One Piece characters are often irredeemable villains or bullies who commit outrageous atrocities and have horrible personalities, or both.

Updated on April 9th, 2024 by Louis Kemner: This list of the most hated One Piece characters has been updated to adhere to CBR’s current publication standards and features five new entries. Now that we’re in the Final Saga, it’s time to look back on the most vile and despicable characters who made Luffy’s adventure this far such a challenge. Some of these disliked characters represent the oppression and exploitation of the World Government and Navy that may finally come to an end when the Final Saga’s ultimate war is over and done.

15Foxy Threatened To Tear The Straw Hats Apart

foxy the silver fox gestures with his hands

Character Name
Debut Episode
Japanese Voice Actor
English Voice Actor

“Long Ring Long Land’s Big Adventure”
Bin Shimada
Jonathan Brooks

Captain Foxy of the Fox Pirates appeared in the filler-esque Long Ring Long Land story arc, which many One Piece fans consider skippable. In that short story arc, Foxy challenged the Straw Hat crew to a game of Davy Back Fight, under the conditions that each crew could poach members of the other. At one point, Foxy poached Tony Tony Chopper, much to Luffy’s horror.

Foxy never said or did anything truly awful in One Piece, but he also didn’t intrigue fans outside of introducing a pirate-style game to the universe, which was mild worldbuilding at best. Foxy also annoyed fans with his Slow-Slow Fruit, which could hold Luffy off but could never let Foxy win without some cheating. Given how annoying Foxy is, but the mild nature of his antics, he ranks a bit low among the most disliked One Piece characters of all.

14Squard Turned On Captain Whitebeard At Marineford

Squard is leering at the viewer in one piece, bearing pointed teeth

Character Name
Debut Episode
Japanese Voice Actor
English Voice Actor

“An Enormous Fleet Appears – Invasion! The Whitebeard Pirates Arrive”
Seiji Sasaki
Jason Kane

Squard was a minor character in the massive Marineford battle, making his debut alongside many other pirates and associates of Whitebeard. The only way Squard made himself stand out was a negative one. Abruptly, he drew his sword and impaled Whitebeard with it, much to everyone’s shock. However, Whitebeard didn’t strike back or hate Squad for it.

Instead, Whitebeard comforted Squard and convinced him to fight for the pirate cause rather than betray it any further. Still, One Piece fans didn’t like what they saw, and that, combined with Squard’s lack of any redeeming qualities, makes him one of the least popular and worthwhile characters in the entire series.

13Wapol Of Tin Ruled Drum Kingdom With An Iron Fist

Wapol At The Reverie from One Piece wapol one piece Wapol standing proudly in One Piece Wapol at the drum kingdom in One Piece frowning. wapol is grinning in the one piece anime Wapol At The Reverie from One Piece wapol one piece Wapol standing proudly in One Piece Wapol at the drum kingdom in One Piece frowning. wapol is grinning in the one piece anime

Character Name
Debut Episode
Japanese Voice Actor
English Voice Actor

“Ambush! The Bilking and Wapol the Bilk”
Bin Shimada
Andy Mullins

One Piece's Blackbeard against an image of the historical blackbeard


20 One Piece Characters Based On Historical Figures

It is unknown to many fans that some One Piece characters are based on real pirates. More casual viewers might never have put two and two together.

Wapol of Tin made his debut partway through the Alabasta saga, and he was the main antagonist of the Drum Island story arc. Years ago, Wapol was the iron-fisted ruler of the island kingdom, hoarding the island’s doctors for his own benefit. Then, Captain Blackbeard drove him away, but eventually, Wapol returned just as the Straw Hats arrived.

Wapol was a despicable villain in that arc, showing no remorse for his cruel actions and tyrannical ways. He fought the Straw Hats with all his might but was blown away, never to terrorize Drum Island again. Interestingly, despite being such a nasty character, Wapol had a partial redemption arc later on and even opened a toy store of his own. Still, One Piece fans won’t so easily forgive or forget what Wapol did.

12Higuma The Bear Tried To Kill A Child

Higuma looking down and grinning in One Piece

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Debut Episode
Japanese Voice Actor
English Voice Actor

Higuma the Bear
“Luffy’s Past! The Red-Haired Shanks Appears”
Yukimasa Kishino
Kyle Hebert

Higuma the Bear was the first villain whom Luffy ever faced in his life, and even if Higuma was incredibly weak compared to Luffy’s later enemies, he still ranks among the most disliked of them all. The main reason is that Higuma, as a grown man, bullied and then tried to kill a child, a young Monkey D. Luffy. Few One Piece villains would stoop that low, but Higuma sure did.

Aside from that, Higuma is disliked because he is all talk. He tried to throw his weight around as a mountain bandit chief, but he never once backed up his boastful words when he and Shanks’ crew started fighting. Higuma realized he couldn’t take on Shanks, so he tried to dispatch Luffy in the harbor, only for a sea king to eat him alive.

11Absalom Was A Total Pervert At Thriller Bark

Absalom grimacing with hands raised in One Piece.

Character Name
Debut Episode
Japanese Voice Actor
English Voice Actor

“One Phenomenon After Another! Disembarking at Thriller Bark”
Hiroaki Miura
Andrew Chandler

Absalom was one of Gecko Moria’s elite minions in the scary yet silly Thriller Bark story arc, along with Perona. Absalom quickly became one of the most hated One Piece characters because of his sleazy intentions and methods, mostly by perving on women such as Nami just because he could. He took advantage of his Clear-Clear Fruit to turn invisible and spy on and mistreat women.

Even if Sanji is also a perv in some ways, at least Sanji fights hard to defend the women in his crew and wants to make them happy with food, while Absalom is entirely self-centered and respects no one. He even tried to marry Nami against the latter’s will, leading a furious Sanji to brutally fight him partway through the Thriller Bark saga to defend Nami’s honor.

10Stelly Represents Everything That’s Wrong With The World’s Nobles

stelly smiles widely while wearing a crown

Character Name
Debut Episode
Japanese Voice Actor
English Voice Actor

“Stolen Freedom! The Nobles’ Trap Draws Near the Three Brothers”
Kosuke Toriumi
Brendan Blaber

Stelly was introduced as the foster brother of Sabo, a noble with a good heart. In many ways, Stelly and Sabo were opposites, with Sabo being a courageous kid with a noble streak while Stelly was cowardly and foul, even as a child. Like many nobles, Stelly scorned most people as inferior trash and believed all kinds of strange stereotypes about fish-men and mermaids.

Stelly didn’t do much to antagonize One Piece‘s main cast, but given his terrible personality and what he represents, One Piece fans still cannot stand him. Both as a boy and as the grown king of Goa, Stelly is a noxious creep who evidently never accomplishes anything good for anyone but himself. It’s no wonder Stelly ended up as one of the most disliked characters in the anime, though at least he lacks the breathtaking brutality and crimes of the very worst of them.

9Arlong Captured Nami’s Village & Reneged On His Promise

Arlong and his subordinates chuckle during One Piece's Arlong Park arc

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English Voice Actor

“The Most Wicked Man of the East Blue, Fish-Man Pirate Arlong”
Jurota Kosugi
Chris Rager

The Straw Hats have a great pirate crew, but fans still like to think about who the next Straw Hat could be.

The fish-man pirate captain Arlong made his debut in the East Blue saga as one of Luffy’s most powerful villains before the adventure on the Grand Line could begin. Years ago, Arlong seized Nami’s village, Coco Village, and even shot Nami’s foster mother dead. Nami bargained with Arlong to buy back Coco Village eventually, but then Arlong reneged on that deal.

It was senselessly cruel for Arlong to do that, and he thought Nami’s despair was hysterical. He also spoke of fish-man superiority, trying to fight human racism toward fish-men with his own prejudice. Arlong didn’t realize that two wrongs don’t make a right, however, and he kept fighting for that vile cause until Luffy finally vanquished him. Arlong’s prejudice, cruelty, and dishonesty combined to make him one of One Piece‘s most disliked characters of all.

8Hody Jones Was Like Arlong, But Even More Powerful

Hody Jones makes a wicked smile in the One Piece anime

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English Voice Actor

Hody Jones
“Landing at Fish-Man Island – The Lovely Mermaids”
Joji Nakata
Larry Brantley

One Piece fans dislike Hody Jones for many of the same reasons as his fellow Fish-Man Arlong. On the minor plus side, Hody Jones is more powerful than Arlong and thus provided an entertaining fight scene with Luffy during the Fish-Man Island arc, as opposed to the simple melee of Luffy vs Arlong from the East Blue saga.

Aside from that, Hody Jones is a despicable One Piece character who elected to continue Arlong’s racially-charged war against humanity, all while terrorizing Fish-Man Island along with his ally Vander Decken. At one point, Hody Jones even tried to destroy the entire island with the massive ship Noah, but fortunately, Luffy halted Noah’s descent and spared the island from certain doom.

7Caesar Clown Experimented On Kids On Punk Hazard

Caesar Clown Being Held Prisoner In One Piece Caesar Clown stares with his eyes bugging out. Caesar Clown showing off his evil powers in One Piece's Punk Hazard Arc Caesar Clown sucking all the oxygen out of an area in One Piece. Caesar Clown looks down at someone. Caesar Clown Being Held Prisoner In One Piece Caesar Clown stares with his eyes bugging out. Caesar Clown showing off his evil powers in One Piece's Punk Hazard Arc Caesar Clown sucking all the oxygen out of an area in One Piece. Caesar Clown looks down at someone.

Character Name
Debut Episode
Japanese Voice Actor
English Voice Actor

Caesar Clown
“The Crew is Confused! The Shocking Beheaded Samurai Appears”
Ryusei Nakao
Jerry Jewell

Caesar Clown entered the picture in the Punk Hazard story arc, right before Luffy’s lengthy adventure on Dressrosa. From the start, Caesar Clown was a cruel, twisted scientist who loved torturing and tormenting his test subjects, enemies, and allies alike. He saw everyone and everything as a tool to accomplish his goals and was vain and prideful as well.

It was Caesar Clown who experimented on a roomful of children, disguising his noxious chemicals as candy that the children loved. Never once did Caesar show remorse or self-doubt about anything he did, and after his defeat, Caesar only reluctantly agreed to help the heroes after Trafalgar Law captured his heart to get leverage on him.

6Spandam Loved The Idea Of Buster Calls & Tormented Nico Robin

Spandam holding Funkfreed in its sword form in One Piece

Character Name
Debut Episode
Japanese Voice Actor
English Voice Actor

“Spandam’s Conspiracy! The Day the Sea Train Shook”
Masaya Onosaka
Christopher Corey Smith

Spandam was one of the main antagonists of the exciting Water 7 saga, along with his CP9 allies. Spandam was a highly ambitious officer who sought ever-greater glory for himself. His only minor redeeming quality was his good relationship with his father, but otherwise, Spandam made himself incredibly easy to dislike.

It was Spandam who verbally abused his captive, Nico Robin, about the Buster Call that destroyed her home island of Ohara. It was a major sore point for Robin, but Spandam didn’t care, and he would gladly make another Buster Call if it meant advancing his own career. His serious antagonism toward a beloved Straw Hat and his flippant attitude about mass destruction made him one of One Piece‘s most hated characters of all.

5Trebol Faithfully Served Doflamingo As A Brutal Devil Fruit User

trebol offers a devil fruit while wearing a suit and coat.

Character Name
Debut Episode
Japanese Voice Actor
English Voice Actor

“Startling! The Big News Shakes Up the World”
Taiki Matsuno
Alejandro Saab

From Luffy to Doflamingo Donquixote, these fan favorite characters helped establish Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece as an iconic anime series.

The Dressrosa saga featured plenty of powerful and insidious villains for the Straw Hats and Trafalgar Law to fight, including a handful of elite minions who served directly under Donquixote Doflamingo. One of the most disliked of them all was Trebol, who antagonized the Straw Hats and their allies in many ways.

Trebol has a strange and unpleasant look, and while One Piece characters normally shouldn’t be judged on appearances alone, Trebol has a twisted and vile personality to match his uncharismatic appearance. He is just as cruel and exploitative as his Warlord boss, often taking pleasure in tormenting his enemies and victims, with no redeeming qualities of any kind to balance it all out. Thus, Trebol earned his place as one of the most hated One Piece characters yet seen.

4Donquixote Doflamingo Was Incredibly Cruel, Abusive, And Twisted By Any Standards

Doflamingo looks concerned in One Piece. Doflamingo gloats over a hostage in One Piece Doflamingo puppets a warrior in One Piece. Doflamingo looks incredulous in One Piece. Doflamingo looks concerned in One Piece. Doflamingo gloats over a hostage in One Piece Doflamingo puppets a warrior in One Piece. Doflamingo looks incredulous in One Piece.

Character Name
Debut Episode
Japanese Voice Actor
English Voice Actor

Donquixote Doflamingo
“The 100,000,000 Man! The World’s Highest Authority and the Pirate Blackbeard”
Hideyuki Tanaka
Robert McCollum

Donquixote Doflamingo was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea for a time, and he played a minor role in the Marineford battle, where he severed one of Oars’ legs. However, One Piece fans didn’t see the true extent of his horrific ways until the Dressrosa saga, with Doflamingo ruling Dressrosa island as a tyrannical kingpin. He even had dissenters turned into toys whom everyone forgot, breaking up families and friendships without anyone knowing it.

Doflamingo tried to justify his harsh methods with his backstory as a member of royalty, but it doesn’t check out in One Piece fans’ minds. He is simply a sadistic, power-hungry, selfish monster who would rather destroy all of Dressrosa with his Devil Fruit than let anyone take it from him, hence his destructive “birdcage” move. The only good thing about Doflamingo is that he pushed Luffy to unveil the incredible power of Gear 4.

3Saint Charlos Was The Epitome Of Celestial Dragon Arrogance

Saint Charlosswith a runny nose and a scowl In Saboady Archipelago

Character Name
Debut Episode
Japanese Voice Actor
English Voice Actor

Saint Charlos
“The Target is Camie!! The Looming Clutches of a Professional Kidnapper”
Jason Kane

The lore of One Piece established the Celestial Dragons as the arrogant, cruel upper crust of society, and characters like Saint Charlos made that fact horribly clear. The world’s nobles were bad enough, but Celestial Dragons like Charlos were so full of themselves, that they made sure they didn’t even breathe the same air as commoners, hence their suits.

Saint Charlos exemplified how twisted the Celestial Dragons were, who lived in their own little bubble of lazy complacency. Saint Charlos enjoyed pushing around his slaves and viewed them as expendable, as though they were mere things and not people. It was no wonder Monkey D. Luffy slugged him at the Sabaody Archipelago when the two of them crossed paths.

2Kurozumi Orochi Brought Wano To Ruin

Kurozumi Orochi holds a rifle Kurozumi Orochi talks angrily in his youth Kurozumi Orochi in his youth wearing a crown Kurozumi Orochi smiles widely Kurozumi Orochi holds a rifle Kurozumi Orochi talks angrily in his youth Kurozumi Orochi in his youth wearing a crown Kurozumi Orochi smiles widely

Character Name
Debut Episode
Japanese Voice Actor
English Voice Actor

Kurozumi Orochi
“Luxurious and Gorgeous – Wano’s Most Beautiful Woman, Komurasaki”
Hiroshi Iwasaki
Keith Silverstein

Although the mighty Emperor Kaido was the most powerful and consequential villain in the entire Wano saga, Kurozumi Orochi was also a major player, and One Piece fans cannot stand him. The revelation of the Kurozumi clan’s fall from power did nothing to make Orochi more sympathetic, especially since the Kurozumis once tried to overthrow the benevolent Kozuki clan, a truly despicable act.

Orochi spent years acting nice and winning people over until he seized the throne of Wano for himself. He ruled that isolated nation with a cruel hand, all with Kaido backing him up, and it brought misery and despair to the land. During Luffy’s time in Wano, Orochi fought ferociously to keep his kingdom, but he was finally slain, and no one missed him.

1Admiral Akainu Killed Ace And Practiced Brutal Justice

Akainu Speaking To The Five Elders with a cigar between his teeth in One Piece anime

Character Name
Debut Episode
Japanese Voice Actor
English Voice Actor

“Say You Want to Live! We Are Friends!!”
Fumihiko Tachiki
Andrew Love

Admiral Sakazuki/Akainu was one of several antagonists in the highly chaotic Marineford War, a great battle that involved practically everybody who was somebody at the time. In that conflict, Luffy desperately rushed in to save his foster brother Ace, but to Luffy’s horror, Akainu intervened and threw a magma punch that went clear through Ace’s chest.

Akainu was responsible for Ace’s death, and even after all this time, no one has gotten even close to avenging Ace’s death or making Akainu pay for what he did. Akainu also has a brutal and hypocritical view of justice, rationalizing all kinds of atrocities in the name of his Marine-style justice. That cruel irony and his role in Ace’s death both made Admiral Akainu the most disliked One Piece character of them all.

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