In addition, she also revealed many other interesting stories surrounding her life after the stage with GQ magazine.

Born into a Catholic family, with her father being a pastor, Katy Perry always prays before going to bed.

 However, Katy’s latest revelation about the “truth” behind those prayers to CQ newspaper may make her parents startled with embarrassment.

Katy Perry once prayed to have... big breasts 1

Even though she is only 11 years old, Katy Perry is aware of the importance of appearance. Every night, she often prays that when she grows up, she will own… a pair of big breasts. 

Katy told GQ: ” One night I was lying in bed and looking down at my feet, and then I started praying to God.

I said, ‘God, can you please give me a pair of breasts? So big that you can’t see your feet when you lie down?” It’s clear that God has answered my prayers. My breasts keep getting bigger every day.” 
Until now, Katy is completely confident with her appearance. She continued to share: ” I have never had cosmetic surgery.

I have never used plastic surgery on my nose, cheeks, chin or even my breasts. So I want to send this to my readers. A sincere advice that your true charm comes from what is most natural.” 
Katy Perry also revealed that she is completely a genuine “good girl” and definitely does not indulge in the drug addiction of Hollywood stars like today. Katy explains: “Marijuana – I don’t like using it. I mean, I can’t touch it, I’ll stand in the corner while my friends smoke it, and mutter, ‘Oh my god,'” Katy explains. Are you guys trying to kill me or something?” 

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Katy Perry is seductive on the cover of GQ magazine February 2014
However, Katy also “revealed” that she was very rebellious and even “lost her virginity” at the age of 16, with her ex-boyfriend in the front seat of a Volvo while listening to the album. 

Grace by Jeff Buckley. When recalling this rebellious memory, Katy Perry kept saying: ” I like that song so much.”
Katy did not forget to praise her boyfriend in an interview with GQ and said that she was not mature enough during her marriage with ex-husband Russell Brand: “I think at that time I needed to think more maturely.

But It’s okay, I’m very happy now with a great guy. Our love story is happening slowly, not rushed.”
In addition, Katy Perry also said that she herself is a person who believes very much in things that science cannot explain: ” I look at everything spiritually.

I believe very much in Astrology. I also believe in aliens too. I often look up at the sky and think: How important are we to dare to consider ourselves the only creatures in the universe?”.

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Katy Perry once prayed to have... big breasts 4

And finally, concluding the interview with GQ, Katy Perry continued to affirm that her performance as a Geisha at the American Music Awards had absolutely no racist meaning: “I just wanted to bring giving the audience a meaningful and beautiful performance, because at that time I was performing in a place where I felt very loved and happy to find many incredibly beautiful scenes. Besides that, I had no additional thoughts. intend or think about anything else”.