Sam Neill, the acclaimed actor best known for his role in Jurassic Park, has a fascinating story that sheds light on the iconic role of the British spy, James Bond, which has been portrayed by various talented actors over the years, each leaving their unique mark on the character.

For many aspiring actors, the opportunity to audition for the lead role in the James Bond film franchise is a dream come true. However, as is often the case in the world of showbiz, not everyone covets this coveted role.
Sam Neill
Surprisingly, Sam Neill was among several prominent actors who came tantalizingly close to becoming the next 007. Neill never desired to step into Bond’s tailored suits and embark on his espionage adventures.
Intriguingly, this almost Bond found himself in the position of suggesting potential candidates for the role, some of whom might be considered rather unconventional choices.
It’s intriguing to speculate who Neill might have envisioned donning Bond’s tuxedo had Brosnan not succeeded.
Sam Neill’s Regret-Free James Bond Journey
Pierce Brosnan as James Bond
Sam Neill‘s lack of global recognition at the time, prior to his appearances in blockbusters like The Hunt for Red October and the iconic Jurassic Park, made his casting as a Bond-like character a subject of intense curiosity and excitement.
His audition for the role took place in the lead-up to The Living Daylights, and it’s worth noting that Neill wasn’t exactly thrilled about it. In fact, he candidly admitted that he only reluctantly participated in the audition.
This reluctance stemmed from a mix of personal reasons and practical considerations. Neill’s career trajectory took an unexpected turn when Pierce Brosnan‘s commitments to the television series Remington Steele were renewed, causing a delay in his potential casting as Bond.
This delay opened the door for Timothy Dalton to step into the role for both The Living Daylights and License to Kill.
However, despite the twist of fate that led to Neill’s audition, he harbors no regrets about not becoming one of the most iconic characters in cinematic history.
In fact, he expresses contentment in the knowledge that his friend, Pierce Brosnan, ultimately secured the role.
Neill understood that Brosnan was not only passionate about playing Bond but also exceptionally talented at it.
Sam Neill Contemplates His Choices for the Iconic Role
Jurassic Park Actor Sam Neill
As the years continued to roll by, Sam Neill remained steadfast in his stance, expressing no regrets whatsoever about his decision to turn down the opportunity to join the iconic franchise.
The New Zealand acting legend, in a recent interview, once again delved into the story of his reluctant James Bond audition, and he recounted this moment with a crisp touch of comedy. The actor said,
“It was one rather excruciating moment in a long career but people keep asking me about the Bond thing. And I can only say I’m very glad I’m not an ex-Bond but I do have a couple of recommendations.
[Rob Collins is] an indigenous actor, extremely handsome, and really good. He’d shake things up a bit.”
But what truly stood out was his surprising revelation of two actors he believed would be excellent choices for the role.
Among the two names that Sam Neill dropped in his candid interview, Rob Collins emerged as the more obscure choice, particularly for the larger global audience.
Despite his talent and commitment to the craft, he had yet to land a project that catapulted him to superstardom beyond the borders of his homeland.
Nevertheless, Neill’s endorsement carried a weight of its own, hinting at the untapped potential that Collins might bring to the iconic role.
In contrast, the other actor mentioned in the interview, Jack Lowden, represented a more conventional choice in the eyes of many. Lowden had already made a name for himself in the entertainment industry.
With a solid track record and a growing fan base, Lowden was a more familiar face to global audiences, making him a contender with considerable appeal for the coveted role of James Bond.