Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith may no longer be hosting “First Take” together, but that doesn’t mean we’ll ever forget some of their silly comments.

The two men have had lengthy sports journalism careers, where they say stuff that like 99 percent of humans disagree with.

But which outrageous comments stand out the most? We’ve narrowed it down.

Let’s dive into the ten most ridiculous things Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith have said about athletes. And a big shoutout to Finnamon for suggesting this video!

Can you remember all of these absurd takes by Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless?

10. Johnny Manziel: Cleveland’s Savior

Johnny Manziel was one of the top college quarterbacks, but many scouts were skeptical about him succeeding in the NFL. As such, he fell all the way down to the Cleveland Browns with the 22nd overall pick. Manziel? To the Browns? Most of us could agree that would end up in failure. But Bayless went as far as to say Manziel would be bigger in Cleveland than LeBron James.

Hehe. Didn’t LeBron guide the Cavaliers to a championship? Is Manziel even playing in the NFL?

9. Is Stephen Ever Right?

You know, the average basketball fan should be able to predict the NBA Finals winner at least every second year. But for Stephen A. Smith, he tends to be wrong a lot…

Dear Mr. A. Smith, get it right at least once!

8. “Down Goes Floyd”

Remember when everyone was excited for Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao, but everybody was pretty sure Floyd would win? Not only did Skip Bayless pick Manny Pacquiao to win. He even thought it would be in grand fashion.

Hey Skip: 50 and 0 in his career.

7. Stephen Doesn’t Watch Hockey

The entire 2004-05 NHL season was locked out. It returned the following year with a new rule in effect: There would be NO MORE TIES. If a game was undecided after overtime, they would go to a shootout.

So, anywho, the Chicago Blackhawks had a historic 24 wins, zero regulation losses, and six overtime/shootout losses to open the season.

Smith wasn’t that impressed, nonetheless.

There are no ties, Mr. Stephen A. Smith.

Guess you’re not big on hockey, are you?

6. Bayless Compares Manti T’eo to Ray Lewis

Ray Lewis may go down as the greatest defensive player in NFL history. He had the swagger, the passion, and just the all-around ability that made him a legend. Manti T’eo? Many knew he wouldn’t be that great in the NFL. But Skip Bayless went as far as to compare T’eo to Lewis.

There’s only one Ray Lewis, Skip.

5. Bayless Was a “Star” in High School

Bayless once claimed that he was a superstar basketball player in high school. He claimed that he was a starter, but the coach didn’t like him because he simply shot the ball too much. As it actually turned out, Bayless was a bench player and did not receive any playing time. Former NBA player Jalen Rose tore into Bayless for it.

I think Bayless SKIPPED the line of truth. Hehe…

4. Smith’s Weed Rants…

Stephen A. Smith understands that many professional athletes get busted for smoking weed. The only problem is that he only blames black athletes for getting caught and never blames white guys.

3. Top 5 NBA Player Rankings

Back in 2011, Bayless and Smith asked to name his top five NBA players. Even though most people knew LeBron James was the best player at the time, Bayless and Smith disagreed. Not only did they disagree, they didn’t even place The King in their top five.

*Heh, according to my notes, LeBron won 3 rings before KD had to join the Warriors to win his first. Whatever floats your boat, gentlemen.

2. Tebow is Better than Rodgers

Aaron Rodgers is arguably already the greatest quarterback in NFL history. He’s definitely top-two in the NFL today. Tim Tebow, on the other hand, was successful for about half an NFL season.

Hey Skip Bayless: Bet you probably thought Manziel would be more successful than LeBron….Awkward.

1. Smith Blames Women For Domestic Violence

As everyone remembers, former NFL running back Ray Rice basically destroyed his career when surveillance captured him, beating his fiance and dragging her across the ground. Though it was clearly a stupid and inexcusable action by Price, Stephen A. Smith somehow found a way to blame women in cases like this.

Unreal. Really, unreal.