EMMERDALE’S Tom King sealed his downfall after he made a major error amid his fake robbery to punish wife Belle Dingle.
The vet – who is played by actor James Chase in the ITV soap – has been slowly manipulating Belle to destroy her self-esteem and life and bring her under his control.
Tom went to harsh lengths to punish wife Belle on Thursday nightCredit: ITV
But has he made a major error?Credit: ITV
But his abuse stepped up a notch when he faked a burglary in the cottage after Belle spent time with friends instead of him.
Pocketing the engagement ring as he heard Belle walk in, he let her think they had been stolen.
“It was probably kids,” he said.
“This wouldn’t have happened if I had’ve been home,” Belle said before realising her rings were missing.
“My rings, my engagement and wedding rings, they’re not here. I took them off while I was washing up.
“It’s your mum’s engagement ring.”
Belle was shook up with Tom playing the supportive and calm husband.
She told him: “Looking at everything they’ve done, it’s giving me the creeps. It’s the thought of being in here, in our home.
“Why would they not just rob the place and have done with it? It’s the fact they’ve smashed everything. It’s so violent.
“And now they even know what we look like. I’m scared and I’m exposed. This is what they’ve done. What else are they capable of?
Emmerdale’s Tom King leaves wife Belle Dingle in tears with vile abuse
“I feel really violated like I’m just waiting for the next thing to happen.”
Pulling her in for a hug, Tom told her: “Nothing is going to happen while you’re with me.”
“Do you promise?” asked Belle, falling fo Tom’s manipulations hook line and sinker.
“Cross my heart and hope to die,” he said.
“I just don’t know what I’ll do without you. I’m really sorry about your mum’s engagement ring.
“Sure there was some sentimental value on it but I’ve got you now. I am going to take such good care of you now.”
However as Tom pocketed the rings rather than getting rid of them, he could have made a huge mistake that could expose his fake burglary and open Belle’s eyes up to his creeping abuse.
Taking to social media to share their thoughts, one fan wrote: “Tom putting 0 effort into his cover stories is definitely going to bite him.”
Another said: “Tom is really really evil and I can’t wait until he’s caught red handed.”
A third penned: “I hope vile Tom is caught out soon his emotional abuse of Belle is so upsetting. Cain will bury him when truth comes out.”
Fans are convinced Tom’s actions will now seal his downfallCredit: ITV
Will Belle find the ring?